Annie Wilcox Boyajian

Vice President for Policy and Advocacy

Annie Boyajian is Vice President for Policy and Advocacy at Freedom House and leads Freedom House’s engagement with the US government and collaboration with American human rights groups. She contributes to Freedom House publications including Freedom in the World , Freedom on the Net , Freedom of the Press , and The Battle for China’s Spirit and authored Democratic Crisis in Hong Kong: Recommendations for Policymakers .

Annie has testified before the US Congress and Canadian parliament and regularly advises policymakers and staff. She has served as a guest lecturer at George Mason University, Georgetown University, and the Harvard Kennedy School and has provided interviews and commentary for outlets including BBC World, Deutsche Welle, Al Jazeera, Radio Free Asia, The Economist , Fox News, The Bulwark, The Globe and Mail, The Diplomat, International Policy Digest, and The Hill.

Prior to joining Freedom House, she spent seven years on Capitol Hill, working in both the Senate and the House, serving most recently as a Legislative Director and focusing on foreign policy, human rights, and appropriations issues.

Annie holds a Master’s degree in International Affairs: US Foreign Policy from American University’s School of International Service. Her Master’s research project focused on China’s influence on African media. She is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, former member of the Hong Kong Democracy Council Board of Directors, and former congressional fellow at the Partnership for a Secure America.


The Global Impacts of Beijing’s Repression in Hong Kong | Special Committee on Canada China Relation —  August 13, 2020

Defending Prisoners of Conscience |Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission — February 15, 2018

Outside Publications:

What President Biden Should do about Hong Kong |The Bulwark — November 23, 2020 ·

Democratic Crisis in Hong Kong: Recommendations for Policymakers |Freedom House Policy Brief — August 2019

Why and How Tillerson Should Address Human Rights on China Visit | The Diplomat — March 15, 2017

How Congress can help religious believers in China | The Hill — March 12, 2017

As Ethiopia heads toward crisis, Congress must act | The Hill — August 28, 2016

In the Media